Friday, July 5, 2013


Sorry for the radio silence over here people - I sent off my little brother on a mission, went to the East Coast for a week to study the Revolutionary War period (post forthcoming), returned home to pack, moved the next day and here I am, finally with wifi and a second to take a breath.

We're not all the way unpacked at our new place and we were all over celebrating yesterday, and even worse - things are getting really ugly with our previous landlady who we really really liked and is screwing us over. It sucks. I hate confrontation, I hate conflict, I hate betrayal, I'm naive and I expect people to behave in a kind and reasonable way.

My bestie Eliesa pinned this and it just really helped me calm down and get some perspective.

We can dwell on the fact that we have had little to no control over our lives since May. We can let our hurt and anger in our landlady situation fester and destroy us. We can whine about our tiny new apartment and our lost deposit money.

But we won't. Life is a bona fide train wreck for us right now, but we have a lot of great things on the horizon. Our new place has a pool! I'm 2 minutes from a Target! My commute to school is like 5 minutes! Our new ward won't be 80% old people! Glen Coco is gonna make some puppy friends!


  1. gaaahhhh that all sounds awful. let me help you! i will come unpack boxes or at least go to lunch or get cupcakes or something! or the gym! the gym! let's do something.

  2. I'm glad things are starting to calm down and I'm glad you are trying to look at the bright side of things.
